Esquel Outfitters, Argentina     


Over the last 10 years, Esquel Outfitters (EO) has consistantly out performed all other operations in terms of the fishing quality & quanity.  EO is owned and operated by Marcos Yaeger who is a native Argentine who has lived in Cholila and around Los Alerces National Park for most of his life.  El Trebol Lodge, originally the Yaeger's home, was built by Marcos's father back in the 80's and converted into a fishing lodge in the late 90's.   A trip with EO is for fisherman, not for those that want to hang around the lodge and relax.  Although the lodging used is comfortable and clean it is not as upscale as some of the other locations on this site.  The guides are some of the most experienced in all of Patagonia and they fish long, hard days.  There are many different fishing options and the itinerary below just an example of what you might do on a weeks fishing.  One key ingrediant to EO's fishing program is that they have private access to a couple of different rivers and lagoons that few have the privalige to fish.  



Sample Itinerary for a Sat to Sat Program 

$5,500 (7 nights lodging & 6 full days guided fishing)


Day One:  This is a transfer day.  Arrive into Bariloche or Esquel around lunch time. You will be taken to a parilla (Grill) where you will have a great lunch.  Maybe a stop in El Bolson for ice cream on your way to El Trebol lodge.  Once at El Trebol you can relax and rest for a couple hours before dinner.  Take advantage of this time because you will need the energy to be prepared for the week ahead.  You will be served a wonderful family style dinner which is complemented with excellent Argentine wines.  In most cases, depending on the size of your group, you will get a single room while staying at El Trebol.




Day Two: After a good nights sleep you will depart for Los Alerces National Park were you will float either the Rivadavia, Carrileufu or Arrayanes.  The park is beautiful and the vegetation lush. The rivers are gin clear and you can sight fish to both rainbows and browns, some that can tip the scale at 8+ pounds.  The fish will range in size from 14-22 inches with larger fish always lurking about but tough to catch.  There are few places on earth as beautiful.  After a long day of fishing you will head back to El Trebol for another delicious dinner. 





Day 3-5: Water levels permitting, you will float the remote and private Rio Chubut for 3 days with two nights of camping.  You will be provided with dry bag, tent, cot, thermarest, pillow, towel, and even a hot shower powered by propane.  The fishing on the Chubut can be down right silly with both attractor dry flies and wooley buggers to both rainbows and browns from 12-18 inches, sometimes larger.  Given good conditions and good casting, it is possilbe for one angler to catch 100 trout per day.  The food served by the camp staff is incredible the experience of being completely cut off from the modern world revitalizing to your soul.  After the 3rd days fishing, you will be transfered to a comfortable country inn (Hosteria) near the Gualjaina river. 





Ivo preparing dinner at camp                                                                                                        There is even an open bar at camp


Day Six: The Gualjaina just might be my favorite walk / wade hopper stream in the world.  The fishing is varied as there are large flat sections, small braided channels, open areas, and places where casting is difficult amongst the willow trees.  The trout vary in size but there are plenty of 20-24 inch browns and rainbows waiting for that perfect cast to an undercut bank.  Esquel Outfitters guests have exclusive / private access to over 18 miles of the Gualjaina.  After fishing you will be transfered to the town of Esquel where you can be more connected to civilization and enjoy a great dinner out on the town.





Day Seven: On your last fishing day you will head up into the mountains outside of Esquel to some private lagoons.  It is here that it is likely that you will catch the largest trout of the week and perhaps your life.  There is one lagoon that is loaded with brook trout from 2-6 pounds and some with rainbows from 4-10 pounds.  They will take large dries but streamers on a sink tip line the most effective.  After fishing we head back into Esquel for dinner and lodging.



Day Eight:  Today you will be transfered to the airport for your flight home which typically lands back in the States on Sunday morning. 



For reservations or information please call or write to:
(860) 672-4457 - Cell: 860-387-3300
Angling in the Andes
26 Bolton Hill Road
Cornwall, CT 06753

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