About Angling in the Andes


Angling in the Andes is owned and operated by Rob Nicholas who is a seasoned guide since 1993 in the Northeastern part of the U.S. (see www.housatonicanglers.com for more info). Rob has been exploring both Argentina and Chile with his family, friends, and clients since 1998. With nearly 25 years of fishing experience in Patagonia, few agents know this incredible fly fishing destination as well as Rob. Every winter he spends on average 3 weeks fishing with a variety of lodges and outfitters across Patagonia.  The lodges he likes best are viewable on this site.  



On the Rivadavia with Esquel Outfitters


Pay close attention to the photos displayed on this site.  They were taken, mostly by Rob, over the last 17 years.  You can learn a lot by observing the clothing that is worn (weather), average size of the trout, what the scenery is like, etc.... You will see some of the same faces but in different years and settings.  Could this be a good sign that people are going back? Also, have a look at the video section above and then give us a call.  We would love to chat with you about all things Patagonia.



Marcos & me on the Rio Grand Esquel Outitters                                 Fishing the spring creek at Estancia del Zorro


As a guide, Rob knows the characteristics that will make a guide great or just average. Characteristics like knowledge of the water, work ethic, kindness, ability to teach, enthusiasm, the condition of the guide's car, boat and gear, as well as his ability to properly position a drift boat, are some of the aspects of good guiding that Rob evaluates. Not all guides have these qualities, but Rob will openly share his knowledge with you so that you are well informed about each lodge and outfitter. Many of the guides grew up fishing and guiding on the same water you will be fishing and you will find that the lodge managers and staff are some of the most gracious hosts in the world. This approach will insure a more "authentic" South American fly fishing experience and, most likely, a more productive fly fishing experience as well.



A typical lunch with Esquel Outfitters at Arroyo Pescado


Some of our trips are chaperoned by Rob, but in keeping with his philosophy of hiring local experts, Rob does not do any guiding while in South America. We book small groups as well as individuals, and we pay close attention to details. You will be treated like an angling friend....not just a client. The locations we select are varied and offer you flexible and interesting fishing opportunities that even the most traveled, discriminating fly fisher will find refreshing and rewarding.




For reservations or information please call or write to:
(860) 672-4457 - Cell: 860-387-3300
Angling in the Andes
26 Bolton Hill Road
Cornwall, CT 06753

All contents and images © 2016 Angling in the Andes

All Right Reserved